I can’t imagine any other footwear more comfortable to wear than flip flops. However, medical experts claim these summer must-haves can cause more health problems compared to heels.
An infographic released by ZocDoc revealed that wearing of flip flops can cause injuries such as infections, foot fatigue, cuts/scrapes, bunions, heel spurs, hip problems, and lower back pain, as well as walking issues.

Since flip flops don’t have straps that provide support around the ankle, a person wearing it can easily suffer from sprains and twists.
A flip flops wearer can also experience heel pain because wearing of this footwear can cause too much strain on the main connective tissue from the heel to the toes.
Flip flops that are flat and thin-soled don’t provide arch support. Thus, the foot tends to collapse and lie unnaturally on the floor.
People who wear these summertime footwear tend to squeeze their toes as the heel is lifted in the air while walking, according to one study. This type of movement can eventually lead to hip and neck problems when done at the wrong time in the gait cycle.
Long-term ankle and hip problems can also be experienced by flip flop wearers since they tend to take short strides and turn their ankles inward while walking.
Dr. Tariq Khan, a podiatrist at the Marigold Clinic at the University College Hospital London NHS Foundation Trust thinks flip flops are dangerous because of its flimsy and unsupportive structure.
“The fact that you have to grip them on with your toes puts a lot of tension and pressure through your toes and arches,” Dr. Khan said.
He recommends wearing of footwear with a heel of around an inch and a half.
“The lack of heel lift means the sole is overstretched and the tendon that runs from the Achilles to the toe becomes inflamed,” he explained.