Most of us believe that eating less and healthy relies on our motivation and self-control. However, a growing body of scientific studies show that the layout of your house greatly influences the way you eat.
Your kitchen, fridge, sitting room, bedroom, and bathroom’s set-up play affects the amount and kind of food you consume as well as your exercise habits. But more importantly, the way you present food at your dining table can greatly influence your diet.
“Most people are unaware of the food decisions they’re making. As a result it’s easy for our environment to influence us without us knowing it. We can make subtle changes to our homes to make this work in our favour and encourage healthier habits,” said Dr Brian Wansink, author of the book Slim by Design.
Here are some of tips gathered by Healthista to help you combat overeating by turning your dining room into a healthy sanctuary.
1. Choose the right kind of plate

According to Dr. Wansick, people who eat in plates with a diameter of 8.5 to 9 inches ate 22% lesser food compared to those who ate at larger plates. He noted that when people are given much smaller plates, they tend to get extra servings of food.
Dr. Wansick also recommends to use plates that are in contrasts in terms of colour with the food. Those who ate rice in white plates consumed 20% more rice.
He said: “White foods on darker plates and darker foods on lighter plates could help you eat less.”
2. Drink from a tall, narrow glass.
Always pick a tall and narrow glass as it gives you the illusion that you are drinking more when you are really drinking less. Save yourself from gaining extra pounds from extra sips of soda by doing this simple trick.
3. Listen to soft jazz.
A study made by Dr. Wansick showed that listening to fast and loud music while eating encourages people to eat more and faster. Moreover, the lighting of your dining room can make you eat more or less food. Too bright or too dark lighting can cause a person to consume more. Thus, it is best to get a medium lighting for your dining room.
There are other ways to transform your house into a healthy sanctuary. Check out Healthista’s complete list.