Extreme Music Genres May Help Calm Angry Listeners

Are you a fan of extreme music genres such as heavy metal, punk, emo, and screamo?

A research conducted at the University of Queensland in Australia showed that extreme music genres may actually make listeners calmer.

The researchers came up with the surprising results after observing 39 extreme music lovers aged 18-34. The participant’s emotions were measured, while their heart rates were monitored. They were then asked what they felt throughout the anger-inducing process wherein they described frustrating situations involving work, finances, and relationships.

During the study, some participants spent 10 minutes in silence. Others spent 10 minutes listening to the extreme song of their choice.

extreme music

Lead Sharman, the co-author of the study revealed: “We found the music regulated sadness and enhanced positive emotions. The music helped them explore the full gamut of emotion they felt, but also left them feeling more active and inspired.”

Levels of irritability, hostility, and stress decreased after extreme music was introduced.

The participants in the study reported that “they used music to enhance their happiness, immerse themselves in feelings of love and enhance their well-being.

Previously, the heavy metal music genre has been linked to violence. This prompted Sharman and co-author Genevieve Dingle to challenge the theory linking extreme music to anger which was believed by many as true for a long time.

The soothing effects of extreme music has only been observed on fans of the genre since all of the participants were self-identified heavy metal experts. Furthermore, the participants weren’t showing actual symptoms of distress at the time of the study.

Factors such as the participant’s personality and “tendency to ruminate” weren’t considered in the study.

The research was published in the academic journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

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